Roberto Morales Ojeda en visita de trabajo a Santiago de Cuba
Posted in Inglés

The formation of values: «that sun of the moral world»

By: Santiago Romero. «that sun of the moral world»: And that irrefutable truth of The Little Prince takes on dimensions in the current crisis of human values, whose Cuban response is the Battle for Culture, Education, Ideas, Human Health, Solidarity and the Defense of all the achievements that many times seem to us part of our daily life.

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Programa de Atención Materno Infantil continuará entre las prioridades del Sistema Nacional de Salud
Posted in Inglés

Maternal-Child Health Program Advances in Santiago de Cuba

By: Santiago Romero, MSc. Maternal-Child Health Program Advances.- Cuba may not be a country rich in resources, but dignity goes hand in hand with its humanist projection, consistent in the difficult but not impossible path to improve the quality of life and its basic indicators such as health, education, sports, social assistance and we know the very difficult times we are facing today in the post-pandemic economy and with a blockade

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Compartir en familia durante el aislamiento social
Posted in Inglés

An Open Code for the Benefit of Cuban Families

Translator: MSc. Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. In the Family Code Draft affinity is strengthened, not only because it includes, in addition to marriage…

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Familia Cubana, prioridad mayor del gobierno cubano. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Adoption or the right to a family

Adoption or the right to a family. Image: Santiago Romero Chang

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La Familia unida en este Día de las Madres. Quédate en Casa
Posted in Inglés

The 2022 Family Code Draft

Translater: Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. The 2022 Family Code Draft

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Cobran interés en Santiago Casas de Orientación a la mujer y la familia
Posted in Inglés

Reflections on the Family Code Draft (Part 1)

Translater: Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. Reflections on the Family Code Draft (Part 1) The participatory exercise in the process…

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