¡Juan Almeida en 3er. Frente! Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Commander of the Cuban Revolution Juan Almeida Bosque

Image: Santiago Romero Chang. Juan Almeida Bosque (February 17, 1927 – September 11, 2009) exclaimed those words in 1956, before the enemy’s call to surrender, after the first armed confrontation of the emerging Rebel Army in Alegria de Pio,…

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Mi Moncada hoy: 26 de julio. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Santiago de Cuba is an Eternal July 26th

Santiago is a city with a thousand-battle passionate history and a restless defender of truth. Santiago, not battered, worn out or tired. Here is Santiago, not battered, worn out or tired. History is full of obstacles, but none has been able to stop us.

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Fidel reivindicó los sucesos del 26 de julio de 1953, en Santiago de Cuba y Bayamo
Posted in Inglés

The Moncada Garrison History

The Moncada Garrison History (former colonial Garrison called Reina Mercedes) This Cuban military Garrison entered history after the attack of a group of young people led by Fidel Castro

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Y Fidel logró poner en marcha el motor pequeño para que funcionara el grande. CMKC. Radio Revolución.
Posted in Inglés

Fidel: «Don’t worry, I’m going to get out of here and I’m going to take down Batista»

And Fidel kept his words, got out of prison and overthrew Batista.

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Fidel en CMKC, Radio Revoluciòn
Posted in Inglés

Book on Fidel Launched in Santiago de Cuba

he book «Fidel», by Katiuska Blanco, was presented as the culmination of the 31st International Book Fair, held until Sunday in Santiago de Cuba.

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Fidel: "La Historia me Absolverá"
Posted in Inglés

Cuba remembers Fidel Castro’s defense speech 68 years ago

Cuba remembers Fidel Castro’s defense speech 67 years ago

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