Fidel, Los sueños de Alejandro, por Nelson Domínguez, pintor
Posted in Inglés

The Final Battle of Santiago de Cuba 65 Years Ago

65th Anniversary of the Cuban revolution. By: Santiago Romero. Santiago de Cuba.- The last events put Santiago de Cuba in the news of the time: the uprising of November 30 when the city was dressed -for the first time- in olive green in support of the landing of the eighty-two men of the Granma yacht. Then, it was the turn of the underground resistance in the city to deny that Fidel had died.

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Caravana de la Victoria, Fidel a 64 años del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana en 2023. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Last operations of the Rebel Army

Last operations of the Rebel Army. Image: Santiago Romero Chang

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