Etiqueta: revolutionary
Fidel, rising to the occasion, again and again
Before the battle against Flora’s waters had ended, Fidel sent for Comandante Faustino Perez…
Fidel: One and all
Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz became Fidel the revolutionary, the politician, the fighter, the intellectual
Jose Maria Heredia, A Man in Full
By: Santiago Romero. It was a hard road for both heroes that reached our days and will prevail beyond their ill-fated, volcanic and terrible May, both for them in their time, as well as for their friends in their time and in the context of a contemporaneity that vindicates the living verse as the sword and the shrapnel.
Fight Against Bandits: Another Lesson to Cuba’s Enemies
Fight Against Bandits- in recognition of Los Malagones, those legendary peasants from Pinar del Río, who on that date in 1959, following the orders of our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro…
Women of Science
By: Santiago Romero Chang. Translated by MSc. Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. The book “Women of Science” is a set of stories, a text that summarizes, but is not conclusive about the lives of seven women first, then five others who are also considered as examples, paradigms or references…
The Final Battle of Santiago de Cuba 65 Years Ago
65th Anniversary of the Cuban revolution. By: Santiago Romero. Santiago de Cuba.- The last events put Santiago de Cuba in the news of the time: the uprising of November 30 when the city was dressed -for the first time- in olive green in support of the landing of the eighty-two men of the Granma yacht. Then, it was the turn of the underground resistance in the city to deny that Fidel had died.