Versalles Boarding School, an Example to Follow in Santiago de Cuba. Photo: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Versalles Boarding School, an Example to Follow in Santiago de Cuba

By: Santiago Romero Chang. Translated by MSc. Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes.Versalles Boarding School.- In the first three weeks of the current school year 2023-2024, the Carlos García Boarding School registers advances amidst lack of resources imposed by the blockade…

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Federico García Lorca_ Iré a Santiago
Posted in Inglés

I Will Go to Santiago

By: Santiago Romero. Oh, pal! I imagine that the farewell of the poet from Granada was hard, back in the thirties of the past 20th century. Then, Santiago de Cuba was struck by a terrible earthquake and the city changed a lot.

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Actualidad CMKC, Radio Revolución. Foto: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in 65 de la revolucion cubana Audios Cultura Economía Santiago de Cuba

Mi Podcast 63R por CMKC

Podcast 63R. Edición – Imagen portada: Santiago Romero Chang PodCast al calor de los 63 años de Revolución en Cuba

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