Fidel y las federadas cubanas
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Fidel: another battle, another victory

Fidel taught us to wage battles and emerge victorious. Ever the great strategist, he foresaw all the variables that could appear.

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Santiago de Cuba, Aniversario 65 de la Revolución
Posted in Inglés

Strategic Operation: the Siege of Santiago at the End of 1958

Image: Santiago Romero Chang. Santiago de Cuba.- Many Cubans remember those sublime moments when the Revolution triumphed on January 1st, 1959, when Fidel and his brave troops crossed a good part of the country to the euphoria of the people, it is not possible to forget the prominence of Santiago de Cuba in the epic.

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Mi Moncada hoy: 26 de julio. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Santiago de Cuba is an Eternal July 26th

Santiago is a city with a thousand-battle passionate history and a restless defender of truth. Santiago, not battered, worn out or tired. Here is Santiago, not battered, worn out or tired. History is full of obstacles, but none has been able to stop us.

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El legado de la Victoria de Girón. Imagen web: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

As on the sands of Playa Girón, the Party stands tall and invincible

Playa Girón- There is but one commitment: to defend the Revolution and to continue, at an accelerated pace, the construction of socialism – which demands a great deal.

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April brings another victory. Image: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

April brings another victory

April brings another victory. During these days, when the Bay of Pigs and the 60th anniversary of Fidel’s proclamation of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, cannot be forgotten.

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La caravana es el símbolo de la conquista de la plena libertad de Cuba
Posted in Inglés

As in 1959, Fidel enters Havana today in a caravan of young Cubans who revere the history of our victory

As in 1959, Fidel enters Havana today in a caravan of young Cubans who revere the history of our victory

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