¡Juan Almeida en 3er. Frente! Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
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Commander of the Cuban Revolution Juan Almeida Bosque

Image: Santiago Romero Chang. Juan Almeida Bosque (February 17, 1927 – September 11, 2009) exclaimed those words in 1956, before the enemy’s call to surrender, after the first armed confrontation of the emerging Rebel Army in Alegria de Pio,…

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La Plaza de la Revolución Antonio Maceo en Santiago de Cuba
Posted in Inglés

Santiago’s Firmest Ground

Santiago de Cuba – Incredible, but true, the firmest ground in the eastern part of the national territory is where tremors happen very often…

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El objetivo es debatir preocupaciones, dudas y buenas experiencias e iniciativas en nuestros colectivos con motivo del Primero de Mayo y a 20 años del concepto de Revolución, expresado por Fidel en el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores del año 2000.
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May Day´ 2023!

May Day:- «the workers’ festivities are dedicated to the heroism of the people, to highlight Marti, Fidel and Guevara’s ideas as a support of our current ideological juncture,

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Mi Moncada Hoy, Como toda Cuba, en Segundo Frente nos multiplicamos como millones
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Women are the majority in Cuba’s healthcare sector

Women are the majority in Cuba’s healthcare sector, they represent 70.3% of all workers.

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Amistad entre Cuba y China
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Díaz-Canel holds telephone conversation with Xi Jinping

Díaz-Canel- Comrade Xi Jinping congratulated his Cuban counterpart on his election as First Secretary of the Party Central Committee; recognized the historical contributions of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz

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Octavo Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés


CONGRESS- Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang. The preparations for the next congress of the party show that the debate of the working committees achieves a better refocusing of the problems and their solutions, in the light of the concerns

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