Santiago de Cuba, Aniversario 65 de la Revolución
Posted in Inglés

Strategic Operation: the Siege of Santiago at the End of 1958

Image: Santiago Romero Chang. Santiago de Cuba.- Many Cubans remember those sublime moments when the Revolution triumphed on January 1st, 1959, when Fidel and his brave troops crossed a good part of the country to the euphoria of the people, it is not possible to forget the prominence of Santiago de Cuba in the epic.

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Mi Moncada hoy: 26 de julio. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Santiago de Cuba is an Eternal July 26th

Santiago is a city with a thousand-battle passionate history and a restless defender of truth. Santiago, not battered, worn out or tired. Here is Santiago, not battered, worn out or tired. History is full of obstacles, but none has been able to stop us.

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El Amor por Cuba nos moviliza
Posted in Inglés

Santiago Workers in the Social Networks

In this summer in X, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and Messenger are frequent photos and videos of families, reunions of friends, graduations and birthdays, in any place of the province…

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Santiago es Santiago: !Viva el 1° de Mayo! Foto: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in No al bloqueo Primero de Mayo Santiago de Cuba Videos

Santiago es Santiago: !Viva el 1° de Mayo!

Por: Betty Beatón. Fotos: Santiago Romero Chang. A la altura de la historia y la gloria de Santiago de Cuba, rebelde ayer, hospitalaria hoy, heroica siempre, una multitud de los hijos de esta tierra bravía desfiló por la plaza de la Revolución Antonio Maceo Grajales con la alegría y el colorido que marca la fiesta por el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores.

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Iganacio Ramonet
Posted in Inglés

My Hours with Fidel

By: Cary Ferriols- Fidel – The special relationship of the historical leader Fidel Castro with Santiago de Cuba remained forever in the memory of his friend and renowned French journalist Ignacio Ramonet.

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Federico García Lorca_ Iré a Santiago
Posted in Inglés

I Will Go to Santiago

By: Santiago Romero. 65th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Oh, pal! I imagine that the farewell of the poet from Granada was hard, back in the thirties of the past 20th century. Then, Santiago de Cuba was struck by a terrible earthquake and the city changed a lot.

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