Ley de los Símbolos Nacionales en Santiago de Cuba
Posted in Inglés

National Symbols Law: in Santiago de Cuba (II)

By: Giselle Mendez
The National Symbols Law and shared responsibility. The State, the school, the family and the media: share responsibility in the knowledge and implementation of the Law on National Symbols.

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Ley de los Símbolos Nacionales en Santiago de Cuba
Posted in Inglés

National Symbols Law: in Santiago de Cuba (III)

By: Giselle Mendez. Assimilation of the National Symbols Law. In order to meet with the responsibilities assigned to the different levels of education regarding the provisions of the National Symbols Law, educational institutions in Santiago de Cuba implement curricular and extracurricular actions aimed …

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Fiscalía General de la República
Posted in Inglés

The right to demonstrate

The right to demonstrate is certainly a right, also regulated in the new constitutional text of 2019 (Art.56)

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