Candidato vacunal Mambisa, de Cuba.
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How is Mambisa progressing on the road to authorization as an anti-COVID-19 vaccine?

The vaccine candidate Mambisa – developed by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) –

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Otra batalla ganada por Abdala: 40 millones de vacunas producidas. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Impact of Cuban vaccines against COVID-19 is unstoppable

Image: Santiago Romero Chang. Impact of Cuban vaccines against COVID-19 is unstoppable

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Díaz-Canel dialoga con jóvenes en la Universidad de La Habana
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Cuban Higher Education Course Resumes not in-person on Sept 6

The Cuban 2020-2021 higher education course will resume September 6 on the distance education modality…

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LA LUZ DEL APÓSTOL NO SE APAGA JAMÁS. La historia de Cuba es de victoria
Posted in Inglés

The history of Cuba is one of victories

The history of Cuba is one of victories, This is the history of patriots like Martí, this is the history of our revolutionary students…

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Posted in Inglés

Cuban schools finalize measures to restart school year

Schools in much of Cuba are finalizing on Monday details for the return of thousands of students to classrooms on Tuesday, September 1…

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