Text and photo Santiago Romero
Santiago de Cuba, CMKC, Radio Revolucion.- Members of the news staff of this radio station have just participated in an “academic week”, where they daily discussed and reflected upon the necessary changes the cyberspace demand from them.
The highlight of the week was the debate “Challenges for the current radio journalist” conducted by Dr. Yamile Habert from the Department of Journalism and Social Communication of the University of Oriente. This topic caused a rich exchange among participants that turned around the necessary community itinerant work, productive routines, outdated news, self-censorship, real news, changing environment for social communication, localisms and unbalance between form and content.
Previous discussions dealt with how to continue keeping the province free of covid-19 cases, changes in the social networks, the current aggressiveness and incoherence against Cuba and fake news to destabilize the country. Other discussions approached informative routines, improvement of our cyber infrastructure and the transition to the analogic black out.