Festival del Son en la cuna del género musical cubano por excelencia.. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
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Miguel Matamoros and 98th anniversary of the founding of the famous Trío

Miguel Matamoros- I remember we all started asking him questions, and I, as always, made a note of his statements, because I knew Matamoros was part of the history of Cuba.

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Vilma Espín en la Universidad de Oriente en Santiago de Cuba.
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Vilma, the Example of an Emancipated Woman

Whenever one recalls the most genuine values of this Cuban land, Vilma’s name comes up. We all remember your tireless neat moves; and your warm smile reflects on all Cuban women, who as heiresses of your patriotism are determined to continue your work.

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Gesto muy profundo, el Comandante Ramiro Valdés retira por un instante el nasobuco para besar su mano y la coloca ante la lápida con el nombre de Fidel, su eterno Comandante en Jefe, amigo y hermano.
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Cuban culture remembers close friendship bt. Fidel and Eusebio Leal

After 4 years, the Cuban cultural sector remembers the close friendship between the historic leader of the Revolution and Havana Historian Eusebio Leal

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Lizt Roque is a Cuban girl that says, “To stay home it’s not so bad”, under the present circumstances.
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Stay at Home: It’s not So Bad

Stay at Home- Lizt Roque is a Cuban girl that says, “To stay home it’s not so bad”, under the present circumstances.

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presupuesto cubano es mayoritariamente social
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Cuba continues presentation of the economy and budget plan

In Cuba, more than…

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Casas rústicas para mejorar rendimientos agrícolas
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National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) to Support Food Production

This process has been marked by the finding of solutions

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