Cuba reported over 29 thousand new COVID-19 cases and 258 deaths up to May 25th over a daily infection average of more than 1 thousand and 10 deaths, which are the highest figures since the pandemic’s onset here in March 2020.
Just on May 25th, the country reported 1 thousand 129 new cases and 11 deaths. Out of some 27 thousand hospitalized patients, more than 6 thousand have tested positive to COVID-19. Over one thousand are in stable conditions, while 138 are in intensive care units.
Cuban authorities insist that the figures prove that the pandemic turns more aggressive and lethal every passing day and called on the people to not lower the guard in any moment throughout the country.
Unheeded warnings? NO!
Cuba has lived through plenty of experiences after more than 430 days of fight against COVID-19, among them the insisting alerts to a virus turned into a global problem and a lethal scourge that spares no one and requires a tenacious process of organization, efficiency and discipline.
The warnings of the danger cannot fall on deaf ears; everybody must pay attention to them and act accordingly.
Taking care remains the watchword, even though more than 1,100,000 Cubans have already received at least one dose of the Cuban vaccine candidates. This figure includes pilot and intervention studies and the current inoculation campaign expected to reduce the number of sick and dead people and tackle transmission. This strategy comes with benefits, as it boosts the number of anti-virus antibodies and prevents people who get infected from ending up in a serious condition.
This huge effort also entails the use of substantial resources. Minister of Economy and Planning Alejandro Gil Fernandez recently reported that the expenses imposed by the fight against the pandemic amount to 300 million dollars and around two billion pesos so far.
In such a harsh context, of course, the immovable and criminal U.S. blockade, which continues to make life more difficult for Cubans in the midst of this health crisis, becomes all the more outstanding.
In addition to the willingness to get the candidates Abdala or Sovereign 02, we must keep abiding by all health protocols, because by taking care of our life we are also taking care of the lives of others.
The sanitary intervention must go hand in hand with the mandatory use of face masks, physical distancing, hand hygiene, and special precautions with children and the elderly.
April set new and very unfortunate records and May—not yet finished—already seems to be the worst month since the virus entered Cuba in March 2020.
With a critical eye, the authorities have identified organizational and subjective problems and made emphasis on people’s low risk perception and excessive mobility. They have also warned of new and more deadly strains, as well as of the non-compliance with the sanitary protocols and measures approved as part of the national plan for the ongoing period and the poor level of demand on the part of agencies and institutions.
The provinces of Habana, Santiago de Cuba and Matanzas are the worst hit while the mathematical forecasting models continue to announce unfavorable COVID-19 scenarios in the country, with more people of all ages infected and a higher death toll, already neighboring the 900 mark.
Therefore, there are plenty of reasons to take heed of the warnings and learn how to proceed and protect ourselves from this silent enemy.
cubanew/acn-ACN Special Service
Turkish press highlights Cuban biopharmaceutical advances
Ankara, Mar 23 (Prensa Latina) Turkish media on Tuesday highlighted the advances of the Cuban biopharmaceutical industry and the development on the island of phase III clinical trials of the vaccine candidates Soberana 02 and Abdala, against Covid-19.
In articles published on their websites, the Sol newspaper and Bursa Hakimiyet highlighted that, despite the U.S. blockade, Cuba is getting closer and closer to becoming the first in Latin America to obtain its own formulations against that disease.
They also acknowledged the good results obtained so far in the tests carried out with Soberana 02, a drug now used in an intervention trial to evaluate the effects of vaccination in high-risk sectors of the population.
This product, developed by the Finlay Vaccine Institute (IFV), and Abdala, from the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), are the most advanced proposals from Cuba, a country that has five vaccine candidates and intends to immunize all its citizens before the end of 2021.