Aniversario 98 de la Radio Cubana y los 90 de la CMKC. Texto y foto: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Why Radio Revolucion?

Text and photo: Santiago Romero Chang. director Rolando González, and based on the tradition of the revolutionary struggles of the CMKC, it took the name of Radio Revolucion…

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Santiago de Cuba, Aniversario 65 de la Revolución
Posted in Inglés

Strategic Operation: the Siege of Santiago at the End of 1958

Image: Santiago Romero Chang. Santiago de Cuba.- Many Cubans remember those sublime moments when the Revolution triumphed on January 1st, 1959, when Fidel and his brave troops crossed a good part of the country to the euphoria of the people, it is not possible to forget the prominence of Santiago de Cuba in the epic.

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Fidel y Guillén. Palabras a los intelectuales. Por una Revolución cubana siempre dialogante
Posted in Inglés

A Revolution that is the Offspring of Culture and of Ideas

The defense of the Revolution has been one of the convictions that has guided Cubans for more than six decades. Resistance to the destabilization actions supported by the Government of the United States has been the firmest response to those who seek to create chaos among those born in Cuba.

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Primera milicia campesina de Cuba, conocida como Los Malagones
Posted in Inglés

Fight Against Bandits: Another Lesson to Cuba’s Enemies

Fight Against Bandits- in recognition of Los Malagones, those legendary peasants from Pinar del Río, who on that date in 1959, following the orders of our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro…

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¡Juan Almeida en 3er. Frente! Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Commander of the Cuban Revolution Juan Almeida Bosque

Image: Santiago Romero Chang. Juan Almeida Bosque (February 17, 1927 – September 11, 2009) exclaimed those words in 1956, before the enemy’s call to surrender, after the first armed confrontation of the emerging Rebel Army in Alegria de Pio,…

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Raúl Castro y Díaz Canel ante la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular: Diputados cubanos.
Posted in Inglés

It is time to overcome diagnoses and move on to actions

Speech delivered by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, on July 19, 2024.

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