Dr. C. Giovanni L. Villalón García, Communication Specialist of the Territorial Delegation of Science, Technology and Environment. Here he announces a new updated edition of the book "Women of Science"
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Women of Science

By: Santiago Romero Chang. Translated by MSc. Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. The book “Women of Science” is a set of stories, a text that summarizes, but is not conclusive about the lives of seven women first, then five others who are also considered as examples, paradigms or references…

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Hasta la madre naturaleza premia el esfuerzo
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Science-based Agriculture in Tercer Frente

Translater: Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. Science-based Agriculture in Tercer Frente Such organisms are very efficient in the elimination of plagues…

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En vivo, por CMKC WEB: Presidente Díaz Canel en debate parlamentario sobre los 4 proyectos de leyes
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Cuba’s Parliament congratulates mothers on their day

Cuba’s president of the National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament), Esteban Lazo, congratulated on Sunday the mothers of the country in a message released here.

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Vacunación cubana efectiva contra COVID-19. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
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Today: 72.9 % of the Cuban vaccine-eligible population completed the anti-COVID-19 scheme

Cuban vaccine-eligible populationç- 72.9 % of the vaccine-eligible population in Cuba has already completed the anti-COVID-19 scheme

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En Cuba el 50 por ciento de los casos asintomáticos son positivos.
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Thirty-five COVID-19 landmarks in Cuba

Imagen web: Santiago Romero Chang. Voices around the world are reviewing the first year of this lethal pandemic, which has disrupted agendas of all types on the planet.

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Prioridad en la atención a niños y niñas en la etapa post covid-19 en Santiago de Cuba.
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Cuba has the highest rate of recovered COVID-19 patients in the Americas

With the highest rate of patients recovered from COVID-19 in the Americas -94.2% as of March 20 – and two candidate vaccines in the final stage of clinical trials, Cuba is consolidating its national strategy to confront the pandemic…

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