Etiqueta: Science
The Santiago de Cuba «Hermanos La Salle» School Turns 116
By: Santiago Romero, MSc. «Hermanos La Salle».- It was a milestone in Santiago de Cuba the opening on September 1, 1908 of the new school under the patronage of NuestraSeñora de la Caridad.»
Women of Science
By: Santiago Romero Chang. Translated by MSc. Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. The book “Women of Science” is a set of stories, a text that summarizes, but is not conclusive about the lives of seven women first, then five others who are also considered as examples, paradigms or references…
Science-based Agriculture in Tercer Frente
Translater: Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. Science-based Agriculture in Tercer Frente Such organisms are very efficient in the elimination of plagues…
Cuba’s Parliament congratulates mothers on their day
Cuba’s president of the National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament), Esteban Lazo, congratulated on Sunday the mothers of the country in a message released here.
Today: 72.9 % of the Cuban vaccine-eligible population completed the anti-COVID-19 scheme
Cuban vaccine-eligible populationç- 72.9 % of the vaccine-eligible population in Cuba has already completed the anti-COVID-19 scheme
Thirty-five COVID-19 landmarks in Cuba
Imagen web: Santiago Romero Chang. Voices around the world are reviewing the first year of this lethal pandemic, which has disrupted agendas of all types on the planet.