Celia Sanchez and Turquisa Santiago 2024
Posted in Inglés

Women Entrepreneurs in Santiago de Cuba

Photo: Santiago Romero. Sales rebounded on last Mother’s Day in downtown Santiago de Cuba, thanks to the government green light that gave way to all informal work, namely, self-employed individuals, MSMEs and entrepreneurs, the latter with the unquestionable lead of women from Santiago de Cuba.

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Fidel and Women in Revolution Workshop
Posted in Inglés

Fidel and Women in Revolution Workshop

By: Santiago Romero Chang. Translated by MSc. Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. «We are nonconformist and we have to move forward as Fidel always summoned us!», said to CMKC the member of the Political Bureau, Teresa Amarelle, General Secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC)

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Vilma Espín en la Universidad de Oriente en Santiago de Cuba.
Posted in Inglés

Vilma, the Example of an Emancipated Woman

Whenever one recalls the most genuine values of this Cuban land, Vilma’s name comes up. We all remember your tireless neat moves; and your warm smile reflects on all Cuban women, who as heiresses of your patriotism are determined to continue your work.

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Federación de Mujeres Cubanas
Posted in Inglés

FMC Grants August 23rd Distinction

By: Santiago Romero Chang. Translated by MSc. Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC in Spanish) granted the August 23rd Distinction to professionals from different sectors of society with relevant work in the defense of the Revolution and gender equality.

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Mi Moncada Hoy, Como toda Cuba, en Segundo Frente nos multiplicamos como millones
Posted in Inglés

Women are the majority in Cuba’s healthcare sector

Women are the majority in Cuba’s healthcare sector, they represent 70.3% of all workers.

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Vilma Espín en la Universidad de Oriente en Santiago de Cuba.
Posted in Inglés

Cuba for Vilma, on a clear mountain morning

Cuba for Vilma, on a clear mountain morning. The heroine’s example was recalled on the 91st anniversary of her birth

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