CMKC, Radio Revolucion, Santiago de Cuba.- Amidst the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR in Spanish), the popular council of File hosted the ceremony to award the CDRs in the Tercer Frente municipality for third time in a row.
The CDR is the largest mass organization in the country. October 28th, 1960 is the foundation date.
The ceremony was chaired by Joel Paz, provincial coordinator of the CDR and member of the national secretariat, other CDR officials and a representation of the people from Tercer Frente.
In the rally there was a ceremonial gala with local talent and speeches by members of the Jose Marti Pioneer Organization and Fernando Carrion, the CDR municipal coordinator, commended the efforts of the local CDR members for their zeal in meeting the goals of the organization, which took them to such a notable national award in the work achievement incentives.