Santiago de Cuba, Aniversario 65 de la Revolución
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Santiago de Cuba and the 65th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

Image: Santiago Romero. Santiago de Cuba – To Celebrate in Santiago de Cuba the central activities for the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution constitutes pride, responsibility and commitment with the Homeland, said today Jose Ramon Monteagudo, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC in Spanish) in the province.

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Restauración del corredor patrimnial del cementerio Santa Ifigenia de Santiago de Cuba.
Posted in Inglés

Challenges for the Funerary Heritage Center of Santiago de Cuba

By: Santiago Romero, MSc. Funerary Heritage Center of Santiago de Cuba.- It was very necessary for Santiago de Cuba to have the Funerary Heritage Interpretation Center for a cemetery like Santa Ifigenia, the third one built in the country and declared National Monument since 1937, with a long history and which treasures the remains of numerous personalities.

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¡NO al bloqueo contra Cuba!. Solidaridad que se multiplica en el mundo
Posted in Inglés

US blockade restricts Cuban economic growth

By: .(Prensa Latina). US blockade- The intensified economic, financial and commercial blockade of the United States

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Fidel en la integración del Frente Independiente de Emisoras Libres (FIEL).
Posted in Inglés

In the country’s every heartbeat

In the country- On Fidel’s 95th birthday, in a 2021 full of challenges, a pandemic and a criminal blockade, the Comandante en jefe returnS…

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Octavo Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang
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CONGRESS- Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang. The preparations for the next congress of the party show that the debate of the working committees achieves a better refocusing of the problems and their solutions, in the light of the concerns

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ANIR Santiago, innovadores y racionalizadores.
Posted in Inglés

Santiago de Cuba ANIR Branch Calls for Closing Ranks Against Covid-19

Santiago de Cuba ANIR Branch Calls for Closing Ranks Against Covid-19

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