Fidel y Guillén. Palabras a los intelectuales. Por una Revolución cubana siempre dialogante
Posted in Inglés

A Revolution that is the Offspring of Culture and of Ideas

The defense of the Revolution has been one of the convictions that has guided Cubans for more than six decades. Resistance to the destabilization actions supported by the Government of the United States has been the firmest response to those who seek to create chaos among those born in Cuba.

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Marcha de las Antorchas por los 169 años del natalicio de José Martí. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

The Young Jose Marti

Translator: MSc. Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. Jose Marti bravely and with exemplary courage claimed sole responsibility…

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Arcángeles del Alba, de Nelson Domínguez. Cultura y Revolución
Posted in Inglés

Defending our culture is defending the homeland

Considered shield and sword of the nation, a sublime mixture of our deepest roots, Cuban culture constitutes a moral trench that upholds the emancipatory work of our homeland. Diverse voices in Santiago and the same trunk in defense of Cuban culture

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Ley de los Símbolos Nacionales en Santiago de Cuba
Posted in Inglés

National Symbols Law: in Santiago de Cuba (I)

For many infants of the city it has been the first approach to the national symbols: the flag of the lone star, the Bayamo Anthem and the coat of arms of the royal palm, as established in Article 2 of Law No.128/2019

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Unidos hacemos Cuba, ¡Viva el Primero de Mayo!. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chan
Posted in Inglés

May Day: For a living, united and victorious homeland

May Day (2021): “Congratulations workers! What has been done to survive the pandemic under a tightened blockade, and nonetheless advancing, is monumental,” tweeted Party First Secretary and President Miguel Díaz-Canel, May 1

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Laguna Blanca si se va a levantar
Posted in Inglés

Top Authorities Check New Phase of Recovery at Laguna Blanca Production Center

Top Authorities Check New Phase of Recovery at Laguna Blanca Production Center

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