Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang
May Day– The Secretariat of the Federation of Cuban Workers (CTC) calls for the celebration of International Workers’ Day with virtual events and activities
The convocation issued by the CTC Secretariat states, “The Federation of Cuban Workers and its national unions call on our people to celebrate International Workers’ Day, preceded by the historic days of the Communist Party of Cuba’s 8th Congress, which will be another resounding demonstration of our unwavering decision to advance the Revolution with the united efforts of all Cuban patriots. Its agreements will constitute a compass guiding the action of workers who continue to move forward in the implementation of the profound changes we have proposed, as part of the updating of the Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development.
“On this occasion, May Day commemorations will be held virtually, under the maxim of: Making Cuba, united…”
Unity and Commitment on May Day
History of May Day in Cuba
Under the slogan Workers’ and People’s Unity, the Cubans celebrated the International Worker’s Day on May 1st, 1959, for the first time after the triumph of the Revolution.
Under the slogan Workers’ and People’s Unity, the Cubans celebrated the International Worker’s Day on May 1st, 1959, for the first time after the triumph of the Revolution.
Commanders Camilo Cienfuegos, Ernesto Guevara and Raúl Castro speak in rallies held at Camagüey, Santiago de Cuba and Havana, respectively.
At Havana’s Plaza Civica (today Square of the Revolution) the first militia battalions march.
Meanwhile, Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro arrives in Argentina to participate in a regional conference.
1890- Cuba is among the first countries that celebrates the International Workers Day, paying tribute to the martyrs of Chicago and in compliance with the agreements reached at the International Socialist Labor Congress which took place in Paris on July 1889.
The Club of Workers in Havana organizes a demonstration in which some 3 000 people march on the main streets of the city. Campo de Marte is the starting point of the march that begins at 3:00 pm, the demonstrators take Monte street, then Águila, Reina, Galiano, San Rafael, Consulado and end it with a rally at Skating Ring sports center.
1919- In a large proletarian rally held at Payret theatre, the working people express their solidarity with the October Revolution and the struggles of the workers in Europe.
1925- Carrying red flags, over 4 000 workers marh together with members of the Agrupación Comunista de La Habana.
Revolutionary leader Julio Antonio Mella speaks from the Lenin Hill, the Club of Cigar Makers, Guanabacoa City Hall and from the Nuevo Frontón (today the venue of Cuban Workers Trade Union Federation CTC), in which he called dictator Gerardo Machado, a tropical Mussolini.
1961- International shortwave radio station, Radio Havana Cuba is inaugurated to break the information blockade imposed against the Revolution.
1964- We Hill defend this flan, this sky and this land at any cost, assures Fidel Castro in a May Day rally held at José Martí Revolution Square.
Cubans are motivated to march today by the Revolution’s social conquests, its continuity into the future, and the challenges of building a more just, prosperous, and sustainable society.
May Day commemorations called in our living, united, victorious homeland @LaCmkc #ConquistandoUnSueno @IndioMayari @Santiag03419459 @oshun1958 @Toar21640791 @Pasarn3 @aguilarpaloma1 @CmkcConcierto @arevalo_eglis @YeroChao @CamiloteGG @PieriXioma
— Compay Naguito (@CompayNague) April 12, 2021
1980- An impressive gathering takes place at José Martí Revolution Square. National leaders and Latin American personalities delivered their speeches. This act ends with Fidel Castro’s key address. The Commander-in-Chief reaffirms the stance of the people against the US blockade, the naval base (Gitmo) at Guantánamo Bay and the spy flights over Cuba.