Defending Our Conquests- Cuban workers and their unions energetically reject the acts of disorder that took place in the country, sustained by a media campaign that tries to impose a matrix of opinion aimed at delegitimizing the governability of the Cuban Revolution, by people who have been systematically promoting counterrevolution.
The Cuban Trade Union Movement, together with the Party and the Government firmly support the revolutionary and patriotic response of our heroic people to such vandalic acts, we ratify our commitment to the defense of the Revolution, maximizing the efficiency in the production of goods and services with the resources that we are able to create and preserve.
The government of the United States is determined to provoke a social uprising in Cuba, by tightening the economic, commercial and financial blockade and the adoption of more than 240 measures dictated during the administration of Donald Trump; among these, the energy persecution and depriving the country of the acquisition of food and medicines. All this significantly affects the welfare of workers and their families.
We warn about the implications of the campaign of «humanitarian intervention» that they intend to develop, promoted under the pretext of the situation generated by the pandemic. We Cubans know the true purpose and we express that we do not want such «help». What Cuba needs is the elimination of the blockade.
We thank all the trade union organizations and friends of the world for their messages of solidarity and we ratify our willingness to defend the social project that we are building, under the guidance of our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro: the streets belong to the revolutionaries. We will act accordingly. Let no one be confused or mistaken, no one surrenders here!
Defending Our Conquests at Whatever Cost
Once again, the enemy is betting on undermining order and sabotaging the tranquility of our families, at a time when all of us are determined to continue fighting for life in the face of the complex epidemiological situation that Cuba is going through, in the stage of community transmission of the Covid-19 pandemic and a cruelly tightened economic, commercial and financial blockade.
Without the slightest sign of scruples, those who burst into the streets, altering the Sunday rest of Cuban families, have mixed dissident actions with activities of banditry, violence, robbery and crimes of the worst kind, with the sole purpose of making invisible the efforts made by our government, together with the majority of the people, in the construction of a society every day more just and inclusive.
Cuba is solidary, shares with most of the countries; saves lives, researches and achieves great results: first country in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a vaccine against COVID-19, Abdala; in addition to four vaccine candidates, and a protocol of attention for its people. The results are there, and they want to hide it from us.
But they do not speak of the truths: the emancipation of women, free education for all people without distinction, the development of social, ethnic, artistic skills… Of sharing what we have.
And then, once again, we feel that our Cuba, that small and immense country, grows every day to reach its goals and share with the Caribbean that unites us, the great America of Bolivar and the world: intelligence, competence and humanism.
Terrorizing Journalists: a political-communication operation against Cuba
From wisdom, from the emotion, from the responsibility and commitment of Cuban women, we ratify that we defend the Revolution, because it is the social project that has brought us here, inclusive and emancipatory, of which we are part and makers, for our sons and daughters, for the brave women who preceded us in our struggles, because this Revolution was made by the humble and for the humble.