May Day´ 2023!

El objetivo es debatir preocupaciones, dudas y buenas experiencias e iniciativas en nuestros colectivos con motivo del Primero de Mayo y a 20 años del concepto de Revolución, expresado por Fidel en el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores del año 2000.
Balcón CMKC, 1º de Mayo, desde el Centro de Santiago de Cuba. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
May Day´ 2023!. Image: Santiago Romero Chang

May Day:- «The commemoration of this May Day in the country is characterized by the mobilization of all the potentialities we have, together with the linkage with the new actors of the economy to ensure the increase of physical production towards the diversification of goods and services, as the most effective way to control inflation with the consequent impact on the loss of purchasing power of wages and pensions.

Around this purpose, there cannot be an exercise of workers’ mobilization in Cuba today that is not focused on favoring the growth of the generation of offers that come out of the creation of the wealth demanded by the population».

Ulises Guilarte, general secretary of the Central Union of Cuban Workers, said in reference to the main activities for the May Day. «The celebration -he said at a press conference- will be held at workplaces where we will materialize the individual and collective recognition of productive experiences, science and innovation. Likewise, there will be multitudinous, combative and colorful rallies in squares and towns all over Cuba.»

The also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba stressed that «we always go to these marches to show a united people in the face of the enemy’s media campaigns and as we ourselves achieved an electoral victory in the recently held national elections.»

Guilarte pointed out that «the workers’ festivities are dedicated to the heroism of the people, to highlight Marti, Fidel and Guevara’s ideas as a support of our current ideological juncture, to stimulate the fulfillment of the plans that contribute to our development programs, to promote the participation of the workers in the tasks of transformation of the neighborhoods.»

He mentioned other activities among which stand out the homage to the combatants of Playa Girón, the traditional tribute to Lenin for the 153rd anniversary of his birth on the hill that bears his name in the capital municipality of Regla, the recognition of union leaders, founders and retirees and the awarding of decorations and honorary titles to outstanding workers.

As every year, Havana will host the International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba, from April 29 to May 2, a time for delegations of trade unionists and friendly organizations to visit work centers and fraternize with the inhabitants of communities undergoing transformation.

“To the Homeland Hands and Heart.” It is the motto presiding over the May Day celebration and beyond. About its meaning, Guilarte said that the homeland is the most sacred thing, that we are a people proud of its identity and history and it is also a call to the conscience that with effort and hard work and the feeling of social justice, humanism and revolutionary sensibility we will obtain the victory.

International Workers’ Day or May Day is the feast, par excellence of the World Labor Movement. Since its establishment, in most countries by agreement of the Socialist Workers Congress of the Second International, held in Paris in 1889, is a day of struggle, class affirmation and tribute to the Martyrs of Chicago.

It was the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada that initiated the great struggle for the eight hours. At its 1884 convention, the federation adopted a historic resolution, introduced by Gabriel Edmonston of the Carpenters and Joiners Federation, that introduced the eight-hour working day.

May Day: For a living, united and victorious homeland

Balcón CMKC, 1º de Mayo, desde el Centro de Santiago de Cuba. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
May Day´ 2023!. Image: Santiago Romero Chang

May Day commemorations called in our living, united, victorious homeland

May Day´ 2023!

May Day commemorations called in our living, united, victorious homeland (2021)

May Day– The Secretariat of the Federation of Cuban Workers (CTC) calls for the celebration of International Workers’ Day with virtual events and activities

The convocation issued by the CTC Secretariat states, “The Federation of Cuban Workers and its national unions call on our people to celebrate International Workers’ Day, preceded by the historic days of the Communist Party of Cuba’s 8th Congress, which will be another resounding demonstration of our unwavering decision to advance the Revolution with the united efforts of all Cuban patriots. Its agreements will constitute a compass guiding the action of workers who continue to move forward in the implementation of the profound changes we have proposed, as part of the updating of the Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development.

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