Aguas Santiago for a Better Service by the End of 2023

Aguas Santiago por mejor suministro del vital líquido. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang.
Aguas Santiago por mejor suministro del vital líquido. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang.
Aguas Santiago for a Better Service by the End of 2023 Image: Santiago Romero Chang.

By: Santiago Romero
Public leaks are a matter of concern in Santiago de Cuba where some of them promise to become national monuments due to their persistence, public location and what they cause in certain places, some more than others.

The aqueduct and its sewage systems are today being revised, cleaned and reorganized in response to the complaints of the population, and by the company’s own ethics for the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. And it is not that this motivation had to come to solve many problems, a part, corresponds to the so called «Work of the century» that implied the change of the obsolete pipes and new layouts of the water pipes.

I notice the changes, because Aguas Santiago reverts, little by little, the situation, from the demand for quality in the actions, by the way, there are many in such a short time. Only, get to know the dissimilar efforts in the midst of limited resources, in only one month, as the recent October and so far in the current November 2023:

The Aqueduct and Sewage Company, Aguas Santiago, focused on the elimination of leaks in the lower part of the city. At the same time, the actions of maintenance of the drainage system, the unblocking and fixing potholes. Add to this the unblocking of drinking water pipes in several areas of the city.

Aguas Santiago also alternates its works in the cleaning of the ditch of the Tourist Road and the shipyard; in the replacement of the sewer master pipe in the Avenida del Río, in the road of El Caney and even the contribution in the paving of the Mariana Grajales Avenue.

One of the objects of Aguas Santiago’s works is the Electronic and Metering System located in the area of El Frances, on the southern outskirts of the city of Santiago. Aguas Santiago is also involved in electronic commerce and has seen its finances grow with the services provided by electronic payment gateways to facilitate access to all customers without going to one of the commercial offices.

Aguas Santiago: Distribution, 2023

Aguas Santiago por mejor suministro del vital líquido. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang.
Aguas Santiago for a Better Service by the End of 2023. Image: Santiago Romero Chang.

The implementation of the Automated Management System for Water and Sanitation Services (Sagas), which allows digital billing, through Transfermóvil was a decisive step for the company. Today, among the companies that receive the most electronic payments are: Aguas de La Habana, with revenues of over 4.5 million pesos, followed by Aguas Santiago, Cienfuegos and Matanzas, all with over one hundred thousand pesos, initially.

Aguas Santiago for a Better Service by the End of 2023

Fuerzas especializadas de la Empresa de Mantenimiento y Reparación de Obras Hidráulicas (EMROH) UEB Oriente, y de mantenimiento de la Empresa Aguas Santiago
Aguas Santiago: The aqueduct and its sewage systems are today being revised, cleaned and reorganized in response to the complaints of the population, and by the company’s own ethics for the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution.

This means that if the customer requested a service, he can pay at the time of execution, thus speeding up the work at home or in a company, both in actions such as: cleaning of pits and tanks; mechanized shading of pits; unblocking; the request for hydraulic connection and sewerage connection; cleaning, repair and disinfection of tanks and technical assistance.

An All-out Fight to Social Indiscipline

By: Santiago Romero
If people yell at home, they also do it in the street; if a son disrespects his father, it is impossible for him to have any consideration for anyone outside the home; that is why many behave everywhere as if they were the «hub of the universe», and the worst thing, in most cases they do not know how to speak.

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