Al cubano Calixto García se le impidió entrar con sus tropas mambisas a Santiago de Cuba en aquel fatídico julio de 1898.
Posted in Inglés

Baire People’s Council, a Landmark in History

Translater: Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. Baire People’s Council, a Landmark in History

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Tributo a Carlos Manuel de Céspedes a 153 octubre del grito de independencia
Posted in Inglés

The Cry of Baire for the Freedom of Cuba

Translater: Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. The Cry of Baire for the Freedom of Cuba.At the beginning of 1895, the atmosphere in Cuba was frankly insurrectionary. The failure of the Fernandina Plan, when the U.S. authorities seized the arms of the expedition organized by Jose Marti to restart the Necessary War, far from discouraging the independence fighters, raised the revolutionary spirit.

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Díaz-Canel depositó flores en el monumento a Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, iniciador de la Gesta por nuestra definitiva Independencia, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes
Posted in Inglés

The Cry of Baire for the Freedom of Cuba (Part II)

Translater: Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. The Cry of Baire for the Freedom of Cuba (Part II)

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Minumento a los caidos en la guerra de independencia
Posted in Inglés

The Cry of Baire for the Freedom of Cuba (Part III)

Translater: Guillermo Rodriguez Cortes. The Cry of Baire for the Freedom of Cuba (Part III)

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Economia, prioridad en la provincia Santiago de Cuba.
Posted in Inglés

Council of Ministers Approves Improvement of Cuban Economic Actors

Cuban Economic- During a recent session, the Council of Ministers approved plans to improve the work of all actors in the Cuban economy, including the socialist state enterprise; non-agricultural cooperatives; micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; as well as the self-employed

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