En Cuba, aprobadas otras Mipymes
Posted in Inglés

Ministry of Economy and Planning approves new MSMEs and first two non-agricultural cooperatives

The Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) approved another 67 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and the first two non-agricultural cooperatives.

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En Cuba, aprobadas las primeras 35 Mipymes
Posted in Inglés

Cuba launches new call for the creation of new enterprises and cooperatives

Cuba, New enterprises- It details that these materials can be raw materials from agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing…

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Fidel en la integración del Frente Independiente de Emisoras Libres (FIEL).
Posted in Inglés

In the country’s every heartbeat

In the country- On Fidel’s 95th birthday, in a 2021 full of challenges, a pandemic and a criminal blockade, the Comandante en jefe returnS…

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Unidos hacemos Cuba, ¡Viva el Primero de Mayo!. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

An embrace from our country, in a virtual march

An embrace from our country, in a virtual march. Cuba’s truth, our conquests and the challenges of a heroic and hardworking people will be honored this year on May Day with photos, videos, selfies and hashtags

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Por esta Rvolución Cubana hay que darlo todo, todo. Jamás rendirnos.
Posted in Inglés

Revolution is dialogue

Dialogue- A government that readjusts its own decisions, if they are found to be inappropriate or unjust, that meets with scientists, intellectuals and citizens to resolve problems together

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ANIR Santiago, innovadores y racionalizadores.
Posted in Inglés

Santiago de Cuba ANIR Branch Calls for Closing Ranks Against Covid-19

Santiago de Cuba ANIR Branch Calls for Closing Ranks Against Covid-19

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