El Amor por Cuba nos moviliza
Posted in Inglés

Santiago Workers in the Social Networks

In this summer in X, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and Messenger are frequent photos and videos of families, reunions of friends, graduations and birthdays, in any place of the province…

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Subversión en redes sociales contra Cuba
Posted in Inglés

Social Networks, a New Environment of Aggression Against Cuba

By: Santiago Romero. Cuba made the headlines, as it usually happens around this date, traditionally since 1992, but the blockade not only continues, it even becomes more aggressive through the social networks, mainly Facebook, Instagram and X.

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Jóvenes cubanos conectados a internet
Posted in Inglés

Cuba shows significant rates of Internet connection

Internet, The number of residents in Cuba connected to the Internet grew to 7.7 million in 2021, 68 percent of the population

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LA LUZ DEL APÓSTOL NO SE APAGA JAMÁS. La historia de Cuba es de victoria
Posted in Inglés

The simulation failed

Simulation is a basic strategy employed by mercenaries attempting to subvert the social order chosen by the majority of Cubans, but the latest attempt failed miserably

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