El Amor por Cuba nos moviliza
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Santiago Workers in the Social Networks

Santiago.- In this summer in X, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and Messenger are frequent photos and videos of families, reunions of friends…

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Roberto Morales Ojeda en visita de trabajo a Santiago de Cuba
Posted in Inglés

The formation of values: «that sun of the moral world»

By: Santiago Romero. «that sun of the moral world»: And that irrefutable truth of The Little Prince takes on dimensions in the current crisis of human values, whose Cuban response is the Battle for Culture, Education, Ideas, Human Health, Solidarity and the Defense of all the achievements that many times seem to us part of our daily life.

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Amistad Cuba y Vietnam
Posted in Inglés

Vietnam donates 12,000 tons of rice to Cuba

A donation of 12,000 tons of rice was made today by Vietnam to Cuba, as an aid to face the food difficulties derived from the economic

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¡NO al bloqueo contra Cuba!. Solidaridad que se multiplica en el mundo
Posted in Inglés

Resounding show of world solidarity with Cuba

A resounding show of solidarity with Cuba and rejection of the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade of the Caribbean Island took place this Sunday around the world.

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No Al Bloqueo, Imágenes de otro Twittazo 2021 por Cuba
Posted in Inglés

An end to the blockade demanded in all languages

An end to the blockade demanded in all languages; welcome this solidarity in our long battle to resist. Party First Secretary and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, repeated this again on Twitter, posting: «Thanks to all…

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Comandante en Jefe, informo: ¡la Operación Carlota ha concluido!», expresó el General de Ejército Raúl Castro en 1991. Foto: Orlando Cardona
Posted in Inglés

Cuban solidarity stands the test

Cuban- Thirty years after the return from Angola of Cuba’s last internationalists there, the more I am convinced that, beyond the military victory, the victory over South Africa and its allies was a profoundly human triumph

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