Behind Cuba’s successful pandemic response

Inició en Santiago de Cuba fase II ensayo clínico del candidato vacunal Abdala
candidato vacunal Soberana 02,
Behind Cuba’s successful pandemic response

Talha Burki
Cuba’s long-standing commitment to health has led to a successful COVID-19 pandemic response, but it is threatened by financial and supplier issues. Talha Burki reports.

As The Lancet Infectious Diseases went to press, Cuba was due to launch a phase 3 trial of its subunit conjugate vaccine against COVID-19. Soberana-2 is one of four candidate COVID-19 vaccines in development in Cuba. It is produced by the Finlay Institute in Havana. On the basis of as-yet-unpublished results from early-stage clinical trials, Vicente Verez-Bencomo, director-general of the Finlay Institute, expects the vaccine to show an efficacy in the region of 80–95%. “We are very optimistic”, he said. If everything goes according to plan, Cuba could start a mass vaccination programme for its 11·2 million citizens sometime in the summer.

Cuba has the highest rate of recovered COVID-19 patients in the Americas

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Soberana 02, the first Latin American vaccine in phase III trials

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