with a foot in the stirrup,
to defend the homeland”.
VIII Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba. Image: Santiago Romero Chang.
A Mambí “ready- «Let no one doubt that as long as I live, I will be ready, with a foot in the stirrup to defend the homeland, the Revolution and socialism,» stated Army General Raul Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, who, like another Mambi or guerrilla, always ready with his horse saddled and a rifle under his pillow, reported that his task leading the political organization had reached its conclusion.
A Mambí “ready- «Let no one doubt that as long as I live, I will be ready, with a foot in the stirrup to defend the homeland, the Revolution and socialism,» stated Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, who, like another Mambi or guerrilla, always ready with his horse saddled and a rifle under his pillow, reported that his task leading the political organization had reached its conclusion.
#Cuba #8voCongresoPCC
— Partido Com. de Cuba (@PartidoPCC) April 17, 2021
Un mambí «con el pie en el estribo para defender a la Patria» https://t.co/aY1rbaoSuB
Debate and work in 8th Party Congress commissions continues
Ending his presentation of the 8th Party Congress Central Report, on the gathering’s opening day, Raúl expressed the satisfaction of having fulfilled his duty, and conveyed his confidence in the future of the homeland, but emphasized his unchanging commitment to participate as a member of the party ranks: «I will continue serving as one more revolutionary fighter, ready to make my modest contribution until the end of my life,» he insisted.
The moving historic moment sealed the reading of a Central Report which, in a clear and objective manner, reviewed what had been done over the last five years, with respect to each of the country’s strategic issues.
The first session of the Congress, which will continue through April 19, was also attended by Political Bureau members Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic; José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary; and Esteban Lazo Hernández, President of the National Assembly and Council of State; as well as other Party and government leaders.
April brings another victory
In his opening remarks, Machado Ventura asserted that the Party constitutes «a guarantee of national unity and a synthesis of the ideals of dignity, social justice and independence of generations of patriots who preceded us and those who have made these ideas their own, over all these years of struggle and victory.»
In the afternoon, participants gathered in three working commissions, to discuss economic-social results achieved since the 7th Congress; the Party’s cadre policy – the backbone of the organization’s work of the Party, its ideological work and the organization’s internal functioning.
Headed by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, Commission no.3 met to analyze, among other issues, the selection, preparation and rejuvenation of cadres in leading positions, their constant evaluation and accountability and the need to recruit and train future leaders in a timely fashion; as well as the ethical values and principles that must distinguish the Revolution’s cadres.
Commission no.2, chaired by Machado Ventura, focused on the quality that must characterize the process of growth in the party ranks, and achieve the harmonious transition from membership in the UJC (Young Communists League) to the Party; while encouraging the participation of youth and workers in important tasks of the day.
Meanwhile, Commission no.1, led by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, examined documents regarding the economy’s performance during the period 2016-2020, and implementation of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines of the Party and the Revolution.
Eighth Party Congress begins
April brings another victory
During these days, when the Bay of Pigs and the 60th anniversary of Fidel’s proclamation of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, cannot be forgotten, April brings another victory
Just when some might think that, exhausted by brutal U.S. attacks, Cuba would lose strength, here is our vanguard fighting with bare fists to make this extraordinary island a more prosperous, contented country.
Eighth Party Congress begins
Following a year of the pandemic’s pain and death, the world continues to seek solutions to control the virus that has ravaged even the most solid economies, while Cuba, «punished» by the most powerful empire on the planet, resists, having committed no other “crime” than giving back to Cubans what for centuries was denied, and rather than despairing, has mobilized to produce five candidate vaccines, the work of scientists trained by the Revolution.
As the world seems to collapse, Cuba rises to the occasion, with the light of our doctors, our hard-working population and our entire people, confident that we will put an end to the nightmare and continue our path toward prosperity, only possible with socialism as the foundation.
Felicitaciones a los combatientes de la Defensa Antiaérea y Fuerza Aérea de las #FarCuba, DAAFAR, en ocasión del 60 aniversario de su creación. Como en Girón, ustedes son los valientes defensores de los cielos de la patria libre.#SomosContinuidad pic.twitter.com/PqFkoHvx3i
— Minfar_Cuba (@MinfarC) April 17, 2021
Cuba in Congress!
The confidence of our people is no accident. Another April features the most important meeting of the country’s political vanguard, the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, which began yesterday and continues through the 19th.
Cubans know well that the debates taking place these days are intended to advance collective wellbeing. And we understand that this is no easy task, as the forces of evil insist on sullying the country’s purity, living in peace and wrapped in the nobility of our leaders and people.
A Mambí “ready, with a foot in the stirrup, to defend the homeland” https://t.co/IzGCIhDfff #ConquistandoUnSueno #8voCongresoPCC #SantiagodeCuba @IndioMayari @oshun1958 @Toar21640791 @Pasarn3 @aguilarpaloma1 @CmkcConcierto @arevalo_eglis @PieriXioma @PalomaA52879825 @tvchagocuba
— Compay Naguito (@CompayNague) April 17, 2021
Time is short and none will be wasted on bemoaning. We are going for more, in our own way. Nothing will stop the course agreed upon in a vote by the majority of Cubans, with the leadership of our Communist Party. If we are Cuba, surprising and admired, it is because we can unconditionally count on our Party.
During these days, when the Bay of Pigs and the 60th anniversary of Fidel’s proclamation of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, cannot be forgotten, April brings another victory.
Author: Yudy Castro Morales | internet@granma.cu