Octavo Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Imagen: Santiago Romero Chang
Debate- Analysis of the strategy for implementation of the Party’s cadre policy was the focus, this Saturday morning, of delegates participating in Commission no.3, led by President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.
Debate- With the certainty that the construction of a sovereign socialist society will only be irreversible if the ideological strengthening of our revolutionary process and the economic, social and cultural development of the country are conducted with equal precision and transformative intention, debate and work in 8th Party Congress commissions continue today, Saturday April 17.
Escuchando a nuestro GE Raúl Castro Ruz evaluar los últimos años y los grandes esfuerzos del país frente al #bloqueo, emerge nuestra historia en la voz de uno de sus principales protagonistas. #SomosCuba #CubaViva pic.twitter.com/nsxwVZbkVs
— Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (@DiazCanelB) April 17, 2021
Eighth Party Congress begins
Chaired by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, Commission no.1 began the day with the examination of two key documents charting the course to be followed over the next five years in updating Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the period 2021-2026 and the Conceptualization of Cuba´s economic model.
Political Bureau member Mercedes López Acea presented the documents, which have been previously analyzed by the delegates and must be approved by the Congress, in plenary session.
En la Comisión 3 del #8voCongresoPCC se debate sobre el funcionamiento del Partido, la preparación ideológica y la atención a las más jóvenes generaciones de cubanos, en especial a los miembros de la @UJCdeCuba #Cuba #CubaSocialista #CongresodelaContinuidad #SoñarYContinuar pic.twitter.com/qLGzvYj0qq
— Partido Com. de Cuba (@PartidoPCC) April 17, 2021
April brings another victory
Also in attendance were Political Bureau members Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of People’s Power and the Council of State; Salvador Valdés Mesa, vice president of the Republic; Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, deputy prime minister; Inés María Chapman, deputy prime minister; Marino Murillo Jorge, head of Guidelines Implementation and Development; and Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, secretary general of the Cuban Workers Federation, among other Party and government leaders.
Likewise, Commission no.2, evaluating the Party’s functioning and ideological work, continues studying issues discussed in yesterday’s afternoon session, including work with youth, the ideological battle that is currently being waged on social media, and the essential importance of renovating work methods, without overlooking historical approaches that have proven to be effective.
Our Communist Party is unique
#Cuba #8voCongresoPCC #CubaSocialista #SomosContinuidad #SoñarYContinuar pic.twitter.com/kXnEOEw7cQ
— Periódico Granma (@Granma_Digital) April 17, 2021
Led by José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary of the Party Central Committee, the meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the importance of universities in developing the political and ideological life of society and the need to ensure the solidity and political knowledge of workers and teachers at these institutions, who regularly interact with youth.
Also participating in the meeting were Political Bureau members Deputy Prime Minister Roberto Morales Ojeda; Teresa Amarelle Boué, general secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women; Ramón Espinosa Martín, deputy minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces; and Marta Ayala Ávila, general director of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
Analysis of the strategy for implementation of the Party’s cadre policy was the focus, this Saturday morning, of delegates participating in Commission no.3, led by President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.
Eighth Party Congress begins
Cuba in Congress!
Debate and work in 8th Party Congress commissions continues https://t.co/FULeorVzIn #ConquistandoUnSueno #8voCongresoPCC #SantiagodeCuba @IndioMayari @oshun1958 @Toar21640791 @Pasarn3 @aguilarpaloma1 @CmkcConcierto @arevalo_eglis @YeroChao @PieriXioma @PalomaA52879825
— Compay Naguito (@CompayNague) April 17, 2021
Also on hand were Army Corps Generals Leopoldo Cintra Frias and Alvaro Lopez Miera; Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla; and the rector of the University of Havana, Miriam Nicado Garcia, all members of the Political Bureau.