Image: Santiago Romero Chang
Congress, Beginning today through the 19th, Cuba as a whole, represented by its delegates to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, will gather in the capital’s Convention Center in historic sessions, to analyze what has been accomplished over the last five years and, above all, outline, in a sovereign manner, the country’s future.
Beginning today through the 19th, Cuba as a whole, represented by its delegates to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, will gather in the capital’s Convention Center in historic sessions, to analyze what has been accomplished over the last five years and, above all, outline, in a sovereign manner, the country’s future.
May Day commemorations called in our living, united, victorious homeland
Cuba in Congress! @LaCmkc #ConquistandoUnSueno #8voCongresoPCC #SantiagodeCuba @IndioMayari @oshun1958 @Toar21640791 @Pasarn3 @aguilarpaloma1 @CmkcConcierto @arevalo_eglis @YeroChao @PieriXioma
— Compay Naguito (@CompayNague) April 16, 2021
Precisely today, on the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the socialist character of the Revolution by Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, Cuba, in the voice of Party militants, will once again reaffirm the irrevocability of its emancipatory work and, as expressed in the Congress call, reiterate before the world its «intransigent conviction of victory.»
It might seem that April 16’s 24 hours are not enough to celebrate all the anniversaries that come together on this day, since this is also the date considered as the founding of our Party.
Thus begin four days of intense debates and the search for solutions, in accordance with the thinking of the people who inspire and deserve them, with no other commitment than to rise to the occasion, to continue the defense of what has been accomplished and to set foot on the path of more conquests.
Included on the agenda to be considered are the updating of the Conceptualization of the Cuban economic and social model of socialist development; the implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution; the socio-economic results obtained since the 7th Congress; the functioning of the Party, its ties with the population; Party ideological activity; and examination of the cadre policy.
En el documento se presentaron los resultados d los análisis sobre el desarrollo legislativo en #Cuba a partir d la proclamación d la nueva Constitución, la implementación d los Lineamientos, la política d cuadros, el trabajo ideológico y el enfrentamiento a la subversión.
— Amigos de la Cmkc (@LaCmkc) April 16, 2021
Continuity is the watchword of this meeting, which means more the natural process of transition from one generation to another, to become a perennial certainty that socialist Cuba is on the go, today and for all the years to come.
Cuban President reaffirms continuity of the Revolution
Image: Santiago Romero Chang